How to use the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet super-automatic coffee maker

In this post I will guide you step by step and you will discover everything you need to know about how to use the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet super-automatic coffee maker.

From how to set up the machine before using it for the first time to how to make the best coffees and adjust the grinder, I will explain everything step by step so that you can make the most of this wonderful Cecotec Cumbia coffee maker.

First steps with the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet coffee maker

In order to use the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet we must first unpack it and place it on a stable surface (a table, countertop, etc.).

Obviously I’m not going to give instructions on how to unpack a product, I think everyone knows how to do it.

Of course, I recommend not breaking where it comes packaged or the box , at least keeping everything for a few days to check that our Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet coffee maker works correctly.

Keep in mind that if you have to return it or send it for replacement, you will need it (you shouldn’t, Cecotec is a brand that works very well and its products are tested, but it is better to be safe and have the box for even a couple of days).

Cecotec Cafetera Súperautomática Compacta Cumbia Cremmaet Compact Steam. 1350 W, 19 Bares, Thermoblock, Plug&Play, Café personalizado, 5 Niveles molienda, Autolimpieza, Vaporizador
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Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet super-automatic coffee machine

Once we have unpacked our Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet coffee maker and have it on a solid surface, it is time to begin its installation.

We remove the water tank, rinse it well a couple of times and refill it with water.

It is also time to fill the coffee bean container. Here it is not necessary to do any type of rinsing, we simply add the desired amount (you can fill it without problem) and we make sure that it is well closed so that no air enters and in this way it does not spoil the coffee inside with the passage of the days.

We plug in the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet coffee maker and place a glass under the coffee spout.

(Optional) Although it comes clean, you can wipe the coffee spout with a dry cloth to remove any dirt that may have been introduced during transport or unpacking.

When it comes to turning on our machine, we simply press the power button and that’s it, there are no more complications.

As soon as it is turned on and ready, press the “X2” button (it is the fourth button) for 3 seconds and a cleaning cycle will begin.

What this will do is take away that new flavor from the internal circuits of the coffee maker.

You can repeat it if you wish (although one cycle is enough, I like to do a double rinse to make sure the next coffee is going to be perfect).

Ready, you have already tuned and installed your Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet super-automatic coffee maker and it is ready to make your first coffee.

Cecotec Super automatic coffee maker Cumbia Cremmaet

How to use Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet super-automatic coffee maker: Prepare coffee

The next step to know how to use this magnificent coffee maker is to prepare a coffee.

In this point we will talk about espresso coffee, which is the easiest to prepare and in the next we will see how to froth milk to, for example, prepare a cappuccino (to do the other you need to know how to do this).

Once we have done the previous steps and we have the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet coffee maker rinsed and clean (you only have to do it on its first use and after it has been stopped for a long time) we remove the tank and fill it with water .

We have talked many times about the topic of water, depending on the area you live in you can use it directly from the tap. Although it is always better to use bottled or filtered tap water ( for example with BRITA jugs ).

The next step is to adjust the height of the coffee spout depending on the cup we are going to use.

You will also do this step only once (unless you usually change the size of the cup regularly).

In the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet, the base does not move, but rather the coffee outlet moves directly. I find it much more comfortable and simple (since in some coffee makers, when lifting the base, it ended up coming out and then you had to stop to place it).

With the base adjusted and the cup placed we will press the ESPRESSO button (the first one on the left).

Now we will get the amount of coffee to use. This will occur in all types of coffee that we are going to prepare.

By default for espresso cups it will use 10 grams, but you can modify it if you want in the range of 7 to 12 grams.

We click on the confirm button on our Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet and the next menu will be the milliliter selector.

We can adjust it from 20 to 250 ml.

We confirm and that’s it, the espresso is ready to be prepared.


In this post we are looking at how to use the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet and that is why I must explain all the functions , so that you know how to use it and have no doubts when configuring it.

The following uses are not so “difficult” or “confusing” so to speak.

When the espresso is configured to our liking, it will simply be necessary to turn on the super-automatic coffee maker, check that it has water and coffee in the tank, press the “Espresso” button and see how the coffee is prepared.

But of course, if I tell you that and I don’t tell you all the steps to configure it completely it wouldn’t make any sense hehe.

Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet super-automatic coffee machine

To prepare an Americano coffee in the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet super-automatic coffee maker I am no longer going to stop as much as in the previous one since it is the same.

The only difference is that instead of pressing the first button we will do it on the second.

The adjustment process is the same for both espresso and American coffee and once it is configured, you simply press the button and that’s it.

Cecotec Cafetera Súperautomática Compacta Cumbia Cremmaet Compact Steam. 1350 W, 19 Bares, Thermoblock, Plug&Play, Café personalizado, 5 Niveles molienda, Autolimpieza, Vaporizador
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How to use the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet: Steam the milk

As they say: What is promised is a debt.

I told you in the previous section that here I would talk to you about how to froth milk in this super-automatic coffee maker and that’s how it will be.

It is not going to be as long as the previous point since it is much simpler, but it was necessary to first explain how to prepare the coffee and then tell you how to froth the milk.

The first thing of all is to pour the milk into a container. If you are new to this, I must tell you that the milk will increase between X2 and X3 times its size, so never fill the entire container you are going to use.

If, for example, you want to froth 100ml of milk, you should easily choose something that has at least 300ml capacity or even a little more to give you room.

With the milk in the container, we introduce the frother of the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet coffee maker and press the FIFTH button (the one with a cloud with a little circle next to it).

Our super-automatic coffee maker will begin to froth the milk. A recommendation for new users is that you move the container up and down, also making circles.

These movements will be gentle, but they will help the milk foam to turn out much better than if we leave the container still and wait.

The moment you consider that there is enough foam, simply press the sixth button (the one to the right of the one you pressed before, the one with a gear) and the process will be finished.


In the explanation of how to prepare an espresso I already told you that this post seeks to teach you how to use the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet super-automatic coffee maker, so this advice that I am going to tell you is very important.

After each use of the frother we must clean it. It is a very simple process but for the health of your machine it is vital that you do it.

Surely you know that when heating milk, if we do not clean the container well it sticks and is then difficult to remove.

We have all forgotten the milk in the kitchen, it boiled and then when it cooled there was no one to wash the pot. The same thing happens with the coffee maker frothers.

The cleaning process is extremely simple and fast, but you must always do it.

To clean the frother we must do exactly the same as to froth milk but with water.

We put water in a container, insert the vaporizer, press the fifth button on our Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet and leave it for a few seconds while we move the container so that it reaches all the places on the vaporizer.

We stop and finally wipe it with a clean cloth so that there is no residue left.

I’m telling you, it won’t take you more than a few seconds to do this and it will keep your machine in perfect condition for longer.

Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet

How to prepare hot water for infusions

Another point that we must mention when it comes to how to use the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet coffee maker is to pour hot water to prepare infusions or anything we want.

This does not have any complications and is very simple to do.

As for making coffee, we put a cup under the water spout and modify its height so that it fits well and does not splash out.

We press the third button (the one with a glass with a few drops on top) and it will begin to serve us hot water.

When we have the desired amount, we simply press the last one (the one with the gear) and that’s it, the process would be complete.

Serving hot water in the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet super-automatic coffee maker is very simple and saves us the time of having to heat it up in the kitchen.

Final advice on how to use the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet

We have already seen all the functions of this coffee maker and you already know how to adjust the amount of coffee and water in each drink, how to froth the milk and also how to add hot water.

But I didn’t want to end this post without giving you some advice or rather recommendations, especially when using the grain tank of the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet.

It is not advisable to fill it to the top.

This does not mean that you have to leave it halfway, but do not fill it until it overflows.

Keep in mind that despite being hermetically closed and so on, it is not “exempt” from outside conditions, so it can form some condensation, etc.

Also tell you that if you know that you are not going to use the coffee maker for a long period of time, it is better that you add coffee little by little.

This way you will prevent it from getting wet inside the tank and when you go to grind it you will notice that it is not what you expected.

All these things do not mean that if you do not do them the machine will be damaged, far from it, they are simply advice so that you can enjoy each drink to the fullest and that you do not suddenly notice a “wow, but the first coffees were more rich.”

I know this is an ultra-long post, but I hope this information on how to use the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet coffee maker has been useful to you.

Cecotec Cafetera Súperautomática Compacta Cumbia Cremmaet Compact Steam. 1350 W, 19 Bares, Thermoblock, Plug&Play, Café personalizado, 5 Niveles molienda, Autolimpieza, Vaporizador
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See how the Cecotec Cumbia Cremmaet super-automatic coffee maker works and everything you need to know about it here

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