
Discover the best-selling Italian induction coffee maker on Amazon

In today’s post we will see which is the best-selling Italian induction coffee maker on Amazon and what are the characteristics that have led it to occupy that position in the ranking.

Although we have recently seen the characteristics of an Italian induction coffee maker ( post here ), it is worth noting that these coffee makers are made of stainless steel.

Whenever we look for an Italian induction coffee maker we have to make sure that it is made of high quality stainless steel and does not have any type of coating or paint.

I’m really not entirely sure if it is prohibited in Spain or in the European Union, but in South America I have seen some coffee makers with an interior coating, which cannot be the case.

One thing is the exterior paint to make it pretty, etc. (which is almost not even necessary, since a good stainless steel is cool) and another that has an interior coating, which is in contact with the water and therefore with what we drink.

Obviously the coffee maker that we are going to see in this post does not have any of that, it is the best-selling Italian induction coffee maker on Amazon for a reason.

Easyworkz Diego Cafetera italiana de acero inoxidable para cocina de inducción, 200 ml, 2-4 tazas, Plateado
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Features of the best-selling Italian induction coffee maker on Amazon

Discover the best-selling Italian induction coffee maker on Amazon

In that extensive introduction about what this type of coffee maker should have, I think I already gave a clue or rather a description of it, hehe.

Yes, obviously this coffee maker, the Easyworkz Diego, is entirely made of stainless steel.

They have not even made the handle out of plastic (which is common). They look for visual excellence that lasts as long as possible.

We could say that these types of coffee makers are almost “eternal”, since being entirely made of stainless steel they do not have weak points that deteriorate over time, so

With good maintenance and use we have an Italian induction coffee maker for many years.


The design is simple but elegant.

As we have seen in other posts about moka coffee makers, aluminum is much more malleable than stainless steel, so the “original Italian coffee makers” have many more shapes and designs, however

Induction coffee makers tend to be simpler since the material does not allow as much folding easily.

Italian induction coffee makers are usually cylindrical in shape and play with the shapes on the lid and handle, which is where a little more “play” is allowed.


The capacity of the Easyworkz Diego is also one of the points that has led it to currently be positioned as the best-selling Italian induction coffee maker on Amazon.

And we have 3 different sizes that will adapt to our home.

On the one hand we have the best-selling model and at the same time the smallest, with 200ml capacity it allows us to prepare 4 espresso cups in one go (or two if you like your coffee a little longer).

It is undoubtedly the best-selling model because more and more homes are found with two people drinking coffee, they are no longer those houses full of people like in the past.

Although for these homes there is also size, since in addition to the 200ml model they have a 300ml model that allows us to prepare up to 6 cups of espresso at a time and the largest of all that has 540ml capacity.

As we can see, they have thought about all possible homes and offer us a version for each one.

How long does this Italian induction coffee maker take to prepare coffee?

Discover the best-selling Italian induction coffee maker on Amazon

Here I can talk about the 200ml model, telling you a figure for the others would be lying.

In the 200ml model of this Easyworkz Diego Italian induction coffee maker, it will take a little less than 5 minutes to prepare the coffee.

Remember that moka coffee makers must always be prepared full, they have been designed for this, so if you drink coffee alone or as a couple, do not go buying

the 540ml one, otherwise focus on the 200ml one (which is also cheaper).

This coffee maker requires about 25g of ground coffee to prepare the 200ml of water, and with its double safety valve it gives us peace of mind in its use.

Final summary

As we can see, this Italian induction coffee maker is currently number 1 in sales on Amazon with good reason, since it is of the highest quality no matter where we see it.

This is reflected in the more than 2,200 mostly positive reviews, achieving a 4.4 out of 5 stars.

In Italian induction coffee makers we must mostly look at the material with which it is made, since there is no “machinery” or “technical details” like in others.

The material here is great and they haven’t left any points behind.

It is true that it costs about €5-10 more than the direct competition, but it is without a doubt worth paying, since for that minimal difference we are ensuring a coffee maker of perfect quality for years.

Easyworkz Diego Cafetera italiana de acero inoxidable para cocina de inducción, 200 ml, 2-4 tazas, Plateado
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