News recipes

Discover the Homemade Preparation of a Prebiotic Drink that Takes Care of your Intestinal Microbiota

The intestinal flora, also known as microbiota, is a fascinating ecosystem of microorganisms that inhabit our digestive system. This diverse set of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms plays a crucial role in the body’s overall health. Its influence extends beyond digestion, affecting the immune system, metabolism and even emotional well-being. Let’s discover together the […]


Discover the best-selling Italian induction coffee maker on Amazon

In today’s post we will see which is the best-selling Italian induction coffee maker on Amazon and what are the characteristics that have led it to occupy that position in the ranking. Although we have recently seen the characteristics of an Italian induction coffee maker ( post here ), it is worth noting that these coffee makers […]


Videos and images of the Iceland volcano

Recently the GRINDAVIK volcano has erupted in Iceland, leaving us with amazing photos and videos. One of the things that these events have is the great difference between good and evil, since on the one hand It is a terrible event both for the inhabitants of the nearby area since they have to abandon their […]


The best coffee maker for winter | Cecotec Coffee 66 Drop&Go

In this time where it is very cold, a good coffee feels great, but if we can bring it even better. Discover here the best coffee maker for winter, the Cecotec Coffee 66 Drop&Go. Cecotec is almost part of the family, and this Spanish brand is increasingly releasing more products and the truth is that many […]


Whiteout Survival new migration event and what it is like

In this post we will talk about the long-awaited migration event in the Witheout Survival game. We will finally be able to move between servers after more than a year demanding this function. Players of the mobile game Witheout Survival are in luck, and after a long time asking to be able to transfer their city […]